Thursday 12 May 2011

The Creeps

Waking up solving my puzzle to stop my alarm tone, the sun rises as I see its rays marching through the gap underneath my door. I decided to go for a slow drive on my Mountain bike and see what's cooking on the roads in Centurion ! I dressed quite warm since the polar bears is starting to walk later and later each morning so my ride was actually warm ! I went to work afterwards and did some new interesting work!

Man comes in by door while im busy drawing a sketch for a project we are doing and stares at me for a bit (whiles his assistant sprays our corners for bugs) and asked if im drawing sketches of new machines ... Yes I am but its Classified since its a Top Secret assignment for NASA and If I tell you I will have to kill you . Thats almost what I said but I didn't haha ! I'm working  a sketch for a task I must to to make it easier for me!  He smiled and said OHHHH ... Probably because I was not using any drawing board equipment just as my Teacher always said ! 

After work it was time for me to fetch my bike and give it a service before LIONMAN this coming weekend!
Opening my BB I wasn't supprized finding the entire Port Elizabeth Cross Country Track in there ! After cleaning the whole mess and changing my cable inner and cable outer my bike was creek less and as smooth as the day it was dropped off for me ! The shining top tube like the glance of the sun on clear water and the Ritchey Equipment Showing of the Carbon ! 

The sun was already under since its now down by 6pm  and I was on my way Home just after I made a Drop off at someone! Stopping at the boom to enter the estate I saw those eyes of a man wanting trouble ! I wasn't afraid since I knew where to go and to who. Or so I thought , he asked me is that now number 28 a or 28 b ..... I honestly said I don't know and the war started yet I was the winner after playing mind games getting in and having a great escape . And then that brought me home ...

Arriving in the dark home I usually drive past and then back again to check for movement or any suspicions activity  or objects ! This was not one of those ordinary routines since I still had to go and Jog and make Food since my parents went out for a show. I just opened up and pulled in my Motor bike ! Locking up and walking to my room I see our neighbour turns into his driveway like usual ! I just sat down tying my shoes and heard funny sounds but did not take it seriously. On my way out the entire world keeps on calling me and and I just couldn't get moving . Just as I step outside I see ADT hovering slowly past our house and yet again my phone rings .

Hi Dad ! The Neighbour has been hijacked watch out ! I locked up and went across ! The Entire family was standing there and There 25 Year old son! He was held at Gun point and he said "he knows what's more important" I greeted them and went for my jog trying not to bother them ! It was hard running now since I was scared running into the darkness towards that precious light 100 m from each other that gave me a secure feeling ! Yet it made me think of those famous TWO WORDS ..... WHAT IF

If I was only a minute later It could have been me or what if the creeps were watching me as well ! It gave me goose bumps . But It did not happen to me and I'm Happy about it and our neighbour's son is not hurt which is a relive as well ! 

Till Next time 
Keep it Save

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