Wednesday 11 May 2011

The Start

Now that I'm not in that jail (aka school ) anymore my life has started and exiting new things has come to my doorstep  ! I firstly signed a contract with the Cotic Agent in RSA known as Matthew de jongh as he wanted to sponsor me and help me reach my goals ! I was ecstatic as Mountain Biking is quite expensive especially in our Conditions hear in South Africa. I then started working for him basically as a Rep for Cotic and that sorted me for a job and a Career !! I am Happy for once and can't wait for each day to start to find out whats waiting for me !

Happiness in my opinion is finding good things in your life . Realizing you have wonderful things all around you. So many people live their life stuck on a idea till the reach what they think is their happiness  

And when they do achieve it they realize they aren´t happy after all. Because then they have new things they want. There´s no way they can put on a happy face - for real. They haven´t learned to like the wanting-part - the journey itself. Their mind is set on the idea they cannot be happy unless they have achieved something (or everything). The haven´t learned to find happiness in their journey towards the wanted thing.

Some say happiness is elusive. I think otherwise. Happiness is an attitude. And as such you carry the keys to happiness with you where ever you go - it is all inside your own mind. You can learn that attitude of happiness if you so decide .
By finding things to appreciate here and now you flow easier with your life - you let the river of life take you. Learn to appreciate your life first as it is can bring almost magical results. I do believe like attracts like. And so finding happiness in the little things changes your mindset and you become like a magnet - drawing more good things into your life. 

I moved up from Junior to my first year in Under 23 which is a very competitive and the distance basically doubles yet the intensity stays the same or maybe a bit harder ! I needed to stay positive so no matter how bad day I was having or how bad I was suffering I made the best of it and so by being positive it motivated me and I achieved the results I wanted . For now i'm Finished >>> stay tuned

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